Update Aadhar card online – Name, birth date, gender

Update aadhar online image

A aadhaar card is an essential document for all candidates, issued by the government of India. It contains information about a person, such as date of birth, name, gender, address etc. 

If mistakes are found in the date of birth, name, gender, and address on the Aadhaar card, you can correct them online through the official site of UIDAI.

But you cannot update your mobile number and email ID online; for that, you have to go to the Aadhaar Centre. Today, this blog post will cover how you can update your name on your Aadhaar card online.

To update your Aadhaar, you need a valid document from the list of selective documents you will have to upload during the online update. We have mentioned step by step guide for your ease.

Now the good news, you can order a PVC Aadhaar card online; this card is minimal in size, durable and easily fits in your wallet.

Why Do You Need To Update Your Aadhaar Card?

Aadhar card is one of the essential and most useful documents for all Indian citizens, which helps to create other identities such as voter ID, passport, ration card, PAN card, and many other documents.

Correction Aadhaar card online
Correction Aadhaar data online.

It is now compulsory for individuals to link their bank accounts to Aadhaar for digital operations. It consists of a 12-digit random unique identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India.

Therefore, if you have any mistakes, such as date of birth, name, address, gender, or language, it will be difficult for you to identify. In such a case, you need to update it.

How To Update Aadhaar Card Online?

First of all, you need to visit the official site of UIDAI; You will find an option here, which is ‘Update Demographics Data Online. Click on it, and the next page will appear.

You can update your name, date of birth, gender, and language online in Aadhaar in a few steps.

Step 1: Click on ‘Continue updating Aadhaar‘. On the next page, enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number, fill in the captcha code and click on ‘Send OTP‘.

Step 2: You will get a One-time password (OTP) on your registered mobile number, enter OTP and click on Login.

Step 3: On the next page, the ‘Update demographic data‘ option will appear in the first paragraph; click on it. The next page will appear.

Step 4: Here, you can select any of the following Aadhaar data options to update online and click the ‘Proceed’ option. A pop-up page will appear, tick the check box here and click on ‘Proceed‘.

Correction Aadhaar Data Online
Correction Aadhaar Data Online

Step 5: If you select any of these Aadhaar data to update online, such as name, gender, date of birth or address, it will appear at the top of this page.

Step 6: You can easily edit your Aadhaar data online if you have any mistakes. For example, if you want to update the date of birth, enter your correct date of birth, in which you have valid documents. 

How to Upload Documents?
  • Select the valid document option below, and here you will get the lists of all the documents.
  • Please select one of them and upload the document.
  • Click on the ‘Preview’ option.
  •   Enter the captcha code you will see in the picture (if not, click on the refresh) and tap on the ‘Send OTP‘. 

Step 7: Enter the OTP you will receive on your registered mobile number, and select the ‘make payment option.

Step 8: You will be charged Rs 50 for updating Aadhaar data online. You will have two options for payment. Credit/debit cards and net banking, make payments and complete the process.

After completing the process, you will receive a 14-digit update request number (URN). To check the status, enter your Aadhaar and URN number, verify the captcha code and click on check status.

Required Documents for Aadhaar Update Online

These are valid documents required to update the Aadhaar card online.


If you have any of these documents, you can correct your name, date of birth, gender, and address on the Aadhaar card.

Watch This Video (Hindi):


Q: How many times can we update the name in the Aadhaar card?

A: We can update the name thrice on the Aadhaar card.

Q: How many times can we change the gender in the Aadhaar?

A: Only once. there will be no second chance to update your gender in your Aadhar.

Q: How often can we change the date of birth?

A: You can also update this only once.

Q: How many times can we change an address on the Aadhaar card?

A: You can update your address on your Aadhar card multiple times.

About Anowar

I am Anowar Hossain, editor of this website and have expertise in the banking and financial sectors for the last 25 years.

View all posts by Anowar

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