Download historical share price

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You can download the historical share price of any stock by entering the 2 characters of the stock in the input field. Simply enter two letters of that asset and you can find the historical share price in a few seconds.

To download historical stock price, select the time period on the right side. There are different time periods available like 7 days, 1 month, 6 months and all options.

Click on the arrow or hover the mouse, you will get the option of saving as well as download. Select the format and download.

There are 2 sliders below the chart to allow you to move it from left to right or right to left for all periods.

Does it support all exchanges?

This stock price tool supports almost all stock exchanges in the world. As you type the letter, a suggestion box shows you stocks for easy selection.

If it does not appear in the suggestion box, make sure the asset is not listed on a stock exchange, or is newly listed on a stock exchange.


How ​​do I find a historical stock price?

You can find historical stock prices through this page or any other financial websites such as Yahoo Finance and Google Finance. Many brokerage platforms also provide tools to view and analyze past stock performance over different time periods.

Why is historical stock price important for investors?

Historical stock prices can help you to understand a stock’s past performance, market trends and volatility.

What does it mean if a stock’s historical price has undergone a stock split or dividend?

If a stock has undergone a split or issued a dividend, historical prices are adjusted to reflect these events. A stock split lowers the price while the number of shares increases proportionately. The dividend ensures that historical prices reflect the true impact of the dividend distribution on the stock’s value.

Can historical stock prices predict future performance?

Historical prices can provide the past information but are no guarantee of future performance. Stock prices are affected by many factors such as market conditions, company fundamentals, external events and more. It is therefore difficult to predict future movements based only on historical data.