For your ease, we are back again with another price prediction for 2025, 2026, 2028 and 2030. According to our research and expert opinion, we have gathered information about Nodle prices for the years 2025 to 2030.
Furthermore, we will also analyze records, as well as share what experts say about the future of Nodle.
But, all price predictions are just estimated values, based on market trends and records. So, it can never be 100% accurate as shown in this article.
The crypto market is volatile, you can’t say anything. As far as the Nodle (NODL) price prediction is concerned, its current price is $0.0076.
Nodle Price – Overview for 2024
As we mentioned above the price forecast may not be 100% accurate. The current overview of Nodle is given below:
Overview | Data (Jan-2023) |
Name of the coin | Nodle (NODL) |
Rank | #3421 |
Coin symbol | NODL |
NODL Price in USD | $0.002678 |
Marketcap | $6,955,239 (1 December 2022) |
Volume | $79, 268 |
24h Low | $0.002616 |
24h High | $0.002831 |
Trading Volume | $117,885.35 |
Total Supply | 8,410,000,000 NODL (Dec-2022) |
See below for live data:
Note: Readers are advised that the estimated target share price is based on our experience and technical analysis. The share price target is only an estimated value that may differ from the actual price. Therefore, you are advised to do your research and consult with your financial advisor.
Nodle Price Prediction 2025 – 2030
Nodle future price predictions are made with the help of several technical analyses and research. You can get an idea of what it will be worth in the future.
Minimum Price | Maximum Price | Year |
$0.009 | $0.014 | 2025 |
$0.013 | $0.015 | 2026 |
$0.019 | $0.019 | 2027 |
$0.027 | $0.032 | 2028 |
$0.038 | $0.047 | 2029 |
$0.054 | $0.066 | 2030 |
In 2025, As per our research and forecast system, the Nodle trading price will have a minimum value of $0.009 and a maximum of $0.0201 during mid of 2025. And the average trading price will be $0.0102 at the end of the year.
The month-wise Nodle price will be as follows:
Month (2025) | Low | High |
January | $0.006 | $0.0210 |
February | $0.007 | $0.0201 |
March | $0.006 | $0.0207 |
April | $0.008 | $0.0210 |
May | $0.007 | $0.02 |
June | $0.007 | $0.009 |
July | $0.009 | $0.009 |
August | $0.010 | $0.009 |
September | $0.008 | $0.009 |
October | $0.008 | $0.010 |
November | $0.009 | $0.010 |
December | $0.010 | $0.011 |
In 2026, According to our experience and technical analysis, the estimated NODL price will be at a minimum of $0.009. But the expected average price can be $0.020 and the maximum price can reach the level of $0.016.
Month (2026) | Low | High |
January | $0.008 | $0.012 |
February | $0.008 | $0.010 |
March | $0.009 | $0.009 |
April | $0.010 | $0.010 |
May | $0.010 | $0.018 |
June | $0.011 | $0.012 |
July | $0.013 | $0.019 |
August | $0.012 | $0.014 |
September | $0.015 | $0.020 |
October | $0.012 | $0.015 |
November | $0.013 | $0.015 |
December | $0.013 | $0.016 |
According to our research and technical analysis, the minimum target price will be $0.017. But the expected average price could be $0.019. And at the end of the year 2027, the maximum price can reach the level of $0.024.
Month (2027) | Low | High |
January | $0.012 | $0.015 |
February | $0.012 | $0.014 |
March | $0.013 | $0.015 |
April | $0.015 | $0.017 |
May | $0.013 | $0.016 |
June | $0.014 | $0.017 |
July | $0.015 | $0.018 |
August | $0.016 | $0.019 |
September | $0.016 | $0.020 |
October | $0.020 | $0.024 |
November | $0.017 | $0.021 |
December | $0.019 | $0.022 |
In 2028, According to research and technical analysis, the lowest price will be $0.018. However, the expected average price for NODL could be $0.027. And at the end of the year, the maximum price can reach the level of $0.032.
Month (2028) | Low | High |
January | $0.018 | $0.022 |
February | $0.018 | $0.023 |
March | $0.019 | $0.024 |
April | $0.020 | $0.025 |
May | $0.022 | $0.026 |
June | $0.023 | $0.027 |
July | $0.023 | $0.028 |
August | $0.024 | $0.029 |
September | $0.025 | $0.030 |
October | $0.026 | $0.031 |
November | $0.027 | $0.031 |
December | $0.027 | $0.032 |
According to our experience and research, the minimum price in 2029 will be $0.026. But, the expected average price for NODL could be $0.038. At the end of the year, the maximum price can reach the level of $0.046.
Month (2029) | Low | High |
January | $0.026 | $0.029 |
February | $0.027 | $0.031 |
March | $0.028 | $0.032 |
April | $0.029 | $0.033 |
May | $0.030 | $0.035 |
June | $0.031 | $0.038 |
July | $0.032 | $0.039 |
August | $0.033 | $0.041 |
September | $0.034 | $0.043 |
October | $0.036 | $0.044 |
November | $0.038 | $0.044 |
December | $0.038 | $0.046 |
According to our research and forecast system, the NODL price target for 2030 is a minimum of $0.039. But the expected average price could be $0.055. And at the end of the year, the maximum price can reach the level of $0.065.
Month (2030) | Low | High |
January | $0.039 | $0.044 |
February | $0.041 | $0.046 |
March | $0.042 | $0.047 |
April | $0.045 | $0.050 |
May | $0.047 | $0.053 |
June | $0.047 | $0.055 |
July | $0.049 | $0.058 |
August | $0.051 | $0.060 |
September | $0.052 | $0.061 |
October | $0.053 | $0.063 |
November | $0.055 | $0.063 |
December | $0.055 | $0.065 |
A: Nodle price is expected to continue to increase, as we know that performance is the main key for any crypto price to rise. But, it all depends on the market demand and other strategies. Make sure, you should research well and consult your finance and crypto experts before investing.
A: The target price of Nodle in 2025 will be a minimum of $0.006 and a maximum price of $0.011.
A: The forecast price of Nodle in 2025 will be a minimum of $0.039 and a maximum price of $0.065.
A: The future of Nodle highly depends on its performance in the market. When you want to know about investing in NODL, you need to follow the right strategy. Also, it can be very risky, so you must have the courage to afford this type of investment. It is best practice to consult your crypto experts before making any kind of crypto investment.
Disclaimer: Price predictions on our website ( are for general information only. No part of the Website material we provided should be considered financial advice or any other form for your investments. Before investing in any cryptocurrency you should do your research and consult your financial advisor.