How to find your Bank IFSC in PhonePe?

How to find your Bank IFSC

It is essential to enter bank IFSC when you transfer funds through bank account details. However, most users, even me, do not want to remember my bank IFSC. Now, don’t need to remember it; open the Phonepe app and check your bank IFSC. However, to find the bank IFSC, you must link your bank account with PhonePe.

It is very useful when you are transferring funds through net banking to your other bank accounts. Also, it will be beneficial for you while using other platforms as well.

Phonepe is a versatile, fastest mobile payments app that supports UPI, and you can link multiple bank accounts. So, it is the power of the Unified Payments Interface (UPI). But, while you can add multiple bank accounts, you can also get the IFSC of any bank.

Usually, it is not required, but it will be a problem when you try to transfer with your other bank account details. So, in this tutorial, we have shared a few easy steps for getting IFSC; if useful for you, check this till the end.

What is the IFSC Code?

Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an 11-digit unique alphanumeric code of the Indian Financial System, which is used for online fund transfer through NEFT, RTGS and IMPS. Furthermore, it is also required when transferring money through bank account details.

How to Know Bank IFSC in PhonePe?

First, you must install the Phonepe app from the Play Store on your mobile and follow the below steps:

1: Download and install the Phonepe app.

2: Allow, and enter your registered mobile number. Tap on “Continue“.

3: You will get an OTP, and it will be auto-selected. Tap on “Submit“.

4: Add your bank by selecting from the bank list. Next, create a UPI PIN for transactions.


5: Tap on the “Profile” option.

6: On the next screen, you will find your bank account.


7: Tap on the bank account.

Know your IFSC

You will get your bank IFSC along with other details on the next screen.

Other ways to know your Bank IFSC:

You can also know your bank’s IFSC in many ways. These are Mobile Banking, Net Banking, ATM and bank passbook.

Other ways to know your Bank IFSC
  • Mobile Banking: Open your mobile banking app, and tap on the “Manage” option. On the next screen, IFSC and other details of your linked bank account will appear. Option selection may vary by your bank account and mobile app.
  • Net Banking: It is one of the most effective online banking services that the bank provides to its users. You have to activate net banking; then, you will get various banking services besides IFSC.
  • ATM: Visit the nearest ATM and enter your ATM card. Then, tap on Account and follow the on-screen dialogue. In a few seconds, you will get your bank IFSC.
  • Passbook: On the bank passbook, you will find the bank IFSC, your account number, name and other details. This is one of the most common ways to find a bank IFSC.
What is IFSC?

IFSC is an 11-digit unique alphanumeric code used for online fund transfer through NEFT, RTGS, IMPS and Account details.

How to find IFSC?

There are several ways, you can get it. But, the most common way is on your bank passbook. Otherwise, you can use Phonepe or other applications.

What is the full form of IFSC?

The full form of IFSC is the “Indian Finance System Code“. An 11-digit unique alphanumeric code is used for online fund transfers.

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