If you are an investor and want to know the target price of SBI shares, our research and analysis will be useful for you. In this forecast, we will mention the target price of SBI shares for the years 2024, 2025, 2028, 2030, and 2035, based on our research and analysis.
Before we proceed further we need to know the financial reports of SBI. According to the official report, the net income in the financial quarter of Sept-23 is Rs 16,383 crore and the net profit margin is 14.99%.
In recent years, there are many banks have merged with SBI to maintain financial stability and for other reasons. The bank has shown strong financial results and has given good returns over the years.
SBI has grown rapidly over the years and given huge returns. If we look at its financial results, it has made a profit in the financial year 2023 and has recorded a total revenue of Rs 1,44,255 crore.

At present, the share price is Rs 627.40 which is an uptrend and a growth of 2.9% in 3 months. Therefore, considering its growth potential and suggestions from market experts, it is expected that SBI’s share price may reach Rs 925.40 by 2025.
Fundamentals of SBI
The bank has diversified its business through its various subsidiaries, such as SBI General Insurance, SBI Life Insurance, SBI Mutual Fund, SBI Card, etc. It has a presence not only in India but also globally and operates through 229 offices in 31 foreign countries.
SBI Share Price Target Year 2024 to 2035
The target price is based on our experience, expert opinion, and technical analysis. So, rest assured, and see the share price targets for 2024, 2025, 2028, 2030, and 2035 below.
Target Year | Target (Low) | Target (High) |
2024 | ₹625.10 | ₹705.22 |
2025 | ₹750.20 | ₹925.41 |
2026 | ₹790.21 | ₹990.20 |
2027 | ₹1090.10 | ₹1125.21 |
2028 | ₹1210.24 | ₹1475.37 |
2029 | ₹1510.35 | ₹1852.43 |
2030 | ₹1610.90 | ₹2050.12 |
2035 | ₹2612.24 | ₹2825.52 |
SBI Share Price Target 2024
In 2024, according to our research, the maximum target price for SBI shares is Rs 625 to Rs 705.
2024 | Target Price (Low) | Target Price (High) |
January | ₹620.21 | ₹655.36 |
February | ₹624.22 | ₹665.45 |
March | ₹622.12 | ₹674.24 |
April | ₹630.00 | ₹682.25 |
May | ₹640.20 | ₹676.30 |
June | ₹648.30 | ₹685.12 |
July | ₹657.32 | ₹692.88 |
August | ₹665.85 | ₹705.52 |
September | ₹655.50 | ₹725.50 |
October | ₹652.14 | ₹685.00 |
November | ₹660.25 | ₹698.65 |
December | ₹670.28 | ₹725.24 |
SBI Share Price Target 2025
The minimum target price is Rs 750.20, while the maximum target price for SBI shares can reach the level of Rs 925.41 by 2025.
Target Year 2025 | Target Price (Low) | Target Price (High) |
January | ₹710.22 | ₹750.20 |
February | ₹722.32 | ₹765.23 |
March | ₹724.24 | ₹828.42 |
April | ₹732.52 | ₹845.25 |
May | ₹730.41 | ₹860.20 |
June | ₹758.12 | ₹890.75 |
July | ₹752.30 | ₹812.60 |
August | ₹808.80 | ₹885.25 |
September | ₹815.00 | ₹910.40 |
October | ₹800.44 | ₹885.15 |
November | ₹802.23 | ₹895.25 |
December | ₹828.45 | ₹925.41 |
SBI Share Price Target 2026
As per current data, history, our research, and forecast system, the minimum target price for SBI shares in 2026 is Rs 790.21. Whereas the maximum price of SBI shares may reach Rs 990.20 in the middle of the year.
Target Year 2026 | Target Price (Low) | Target Price (High) |
January | ₹710.22 | ₹750.20 |
February | ₹722.32 | ₹765.23 |
March | ₹724.24 | ₹828.42 |
April | ₹732.52 | ₹845.25 |
May | ₹730.41 | ₹860.20 |
June | ₹758.12 | ₹890.75 |
July | ₹752.30 | ₹812.60 |
August | ₹808.80 | ₹885.25 |
September | ₹815.00 | ₹910.40 |
October | ₹870.44 | ₹945.15 |
November | ₹862.23 | ₹922.25 |
December | ₹858.45 | ₹990.20 |
SBI Share Price Target 2027
As per market trend, the maximum target price of SBI shares by 2027 is Rs 920.50 to Rs 1125.21.
Target Year 2027 | Target Price (Low) | Target Price (High) |
January | ₹810.22 | ₹950.20 |
February | ₹822.32 | ₹965.23 |
March | ₹824.24 | ₹928.42 |
April | ₹832.52 | ₹945.25 |
May | ₹830.41 | ₹960.20 |
June | ₹858.12 | ₹990.75 |
July | ₹852.30 | ₹912.60 |
August | ₹808.80 | ₹985.25 |
September | ₹920.50 | ₹1125.21 |
October | ₹900.44 | ₹1085.15 |
November | ₹902.23 | ₹1095.25 |
December | ₹928.45 | ₹1135.41 |
SBI Share Price Target 2028
Based on our research, the minimum target price for SBI shares is Rs 1110.24. At the same time, the highest target price of SBI shares by 2028 is Rs 1475.37.
Target Year 2028 | Target Price (Low) | Target Price (High) |
January | ₹1132.25 | ₹1210.24 |
February | ₹1150.45 | ₹1240.23 |
March | ₹1195.12 | ₹1285.52 |
April | ₹1205.20 | ₹1295.40 |
May | ₹1222.50 | ₹1315.34 |
June | ₹1300.70 | ₹1355.14 |
July | ₹1265.00 | ₹1370.22 |
August | ₹1205.24 | ₹1280.24 |
September | ₹1245.28 | ₹1360.28 |
October | ₹1304.30 | ₹1425.42 |
November | ₹1315.10 | ₹1460.38 |
December | ₹1325.50 | ₹1475.37 |
SBI Share Price Target 2030
If you are going from a long-term perspective, the minimum target price is Rs 1610.90. Whereas the maximum target price of SBI shares is Rs 2050.12 by 2030.
Target Year 2030 | Target Price (Low) | Target Price (High) |
January | ₹1625.20 | ₹1710.90 |
February | ₹1610.10 | ₹1730.85 |
March | ₹1645.35 | ₹1750.70 |
April | ₹1650.50 | ₹1785.25 |
May | ₹1715.25 | ₹1815.45 |
June | ₹1738.20 | ₹1830.90 |
July | ₹1746.12 | ₹1855.75 |
August | ₹1755.30 | ₹1885.65 |
September | ₹1810.20 | ₹1915.25 |
October | ₹1824.42 | ₹1975.75 |
November | ₹1805.10 | ₹1900.10 |
December | ₹1958.50 | ₹2050.12 |
SBI Share Price Target 2035
- Maximum: Rs 2612.24
- Minimum: Rs 2825.52
SBI Business Model
Here is an overview of the SBI business model:
- Deposits: SBI is also involved in deposits from customers like other banks, such as savings accounts, current accounts, fixed deposits, and recurring deposits.
- Loans: The bank offers loans to various sectors such as retail, agriculture, SME, and corporate. SBI earns interest income from these loans.
- Investments: SBI also invests in various corporate sectors, such as government securities, corporate bonds, and others to earn money and generate profit.
- Digital Transformation: SBI is investing in digital transformation to improve customer operational efficiency. The bank has launched various digital banking services like Internet banking, mobile banking, and digital wallets to meet the changing needs of the customers. These are all sources of income for the bank.
- Mutual Funds: The State Bank also makes money by distributing mutual funds, Insurance, Treasury operations, etc.
- Other Services: SBI provides various other services including payment services, credit and debit cards, insurance, and investment services to generate additional revenue.
Like other banks, SBI also focuses on generating revenue by providing services to customers. Therefore, there are various sources of earning to survive in the market.
SBI Shareholding Pattern
SBI’s shareholding pattern is as follows:
Promoters | 57.50% |
Mutual Funds | 13.20% |
Domestic Institution | 10.55% |
Foreign Institution | 10.09% |
Retail & Others | 8.66% |
See also:
As per data and our research, SBI stocks are one of the best for the long term and you must include them in your portfolio.
The highest target price for SBI shares is Rs 925.41 in 2025.
The maximum target price for SBI shares in 2026 is Rs 990.20.
The highest target price for SBI shares in 2028 will be Rs 1475.37.
The maximum target price for SBI shares in 2030 is Rs 2150.12.
Disclaimer: The target price for SBI shares on our website (bankshala.com) is for general information only. No part of the website content should be considered financial advice. Trading is an uncertain business, please consult your financial advisor before making any decision.