VOO Stock Forecast – 2024, 2025, 2028, 2030, 2035

Voo stock price forecast
Voo stock price forecast

If you are looking for the predicted stock price for VOO in the future from a long-term perspective, we are ready to inform you. Voo is a popular choice, still, you need to do your research well with our forecast analysis and other sources.

If we look at its stock price trend, it shows a bearish with a 5.21 percent decline in the last three to four months. But, for the last two weeks, it is seeing a rise again.

It has maintained stable performance over the last ten years and generated very low returns. So, it is clear that there is no bullishness shortly, but there may be bullish possibilities in the future.

Since Voo is an established 500 Index Fund, there are no sudden upheavals. Its expense ratio of 0.03% and 10-year annual return rate is above 12%. Therefore make it a good choice for investors.

What is (Vanguard S&P 500 ETF) VOO?

Voo stock price forecast

For your information, this is Vanguard S&P 500 ETF, which is an exchange-traded fund in the United States and is managed by Vanguard Group, the largest asset management company.

It is designed to check the performance of the S&P 500, an indexing data provides the performance of the top 500 publicly traded companies in the United States.

Over the last few years, it has gained popularity among investors seeking diversified exposure to the stock market. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at Voo’s estimated stock price for the years 2024 to 2035.

VOO Stock Forecast 2024, 2025, 2028, 2030, 2035

VOO stock forecast is based on our research and technical analysis, which is an estimated value of the stock, not the exact stock price. The stock market is uncertain and can change at any time. So, research well and take financial expert advice.












  • YTD daily total return: 13.63%
  • 1-year daily total return: 16.96%
  • 3-year daily total return: 10.32%


What will be the stock price of VOO in 2025?

The predicted stock price for VOO could be around $422,20 to$445.25 by 2025.

IS VOO good for the long term?

According to our research, VOO is a good stock and has given good returns.

What is the highest expected stock price for VOO in 2030?

The highest stock price for VOO is $508.15 to $532.45 by 2030.

Disclaimer: The predicted stock price for VOO is an estimated value and it is for general information only. You should not take this as financial advice, do your research and consult your financial advisor.

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We are a dedicated professional team, working closely with each other to provide quality content in the banking and finance sectors. Some editors have been investing in the stock market for almost 15 years and have a lot of experience.

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