What if 1 Rupee is Equal to 1 Dollar?

Waht happen if ₹1 to $1

Before we start, we need to understand exchange rates, as this exchange rate represents the currency value of two countries, such as (approximately) ₹83 =$1. But, the hypothetical question is what if ₹1 = $1?

Exchange rates reflect the value of one currency against another. They are important when you go for international trade, investment and financial transactions.

The price of goods and services traded between countries is based on exchange rates, which directly affects the affordability of exports and imports.

Furthermore, exchange rates regulate capital flows, investment decisions, and the overall economic performance of the country.

So; If the value of INR and USD is equalized 1:1, what will be the impact on both countries as well as the global economy?

What Happens in International Trade?

In this scenario, the following challenges may be faced which are mentioned below:

  • Impact on Indian exports: If 1 rupee becomes equal to 1 dollar, Indian exports will become more expensive for foreign buyers, leading to reduced demand and competition in global markets.
  • Impact on domestic consumption: If the Indian rupee strengthens, imports will be cheaper for consumers and businesses.
  • Challenges for exporters: The cost will be a big challenge for exporters. Because products are comparatively more expensive, demand may decrease and profitability may be affected.

Impact on foreign investment

  • Impact on investment: f the rupee strengthens against the dollar, investment in India may reduce due to reduced returns from foreign investors due to the weak dollar.
  • Impacts on FDI: A strong rupee may deter foreign direct investment (FDI) as it reduces returns for foreign investors on repatriation into their home currency.
  • Difficulty for RBI: RBI may face to balance the exchange rate with inflation control and export competitiveness amid a stronger rupee.

Inflationary Pressure

This may reduce inflationary pressure, as cheaper imports due to a stronger rupee will reduce the cost of goods. Domestic industries may face challenges such as low-profit margins on their products.

Economic Implication

The exchange rate between INR and USD will fundamentally change the Indian economy. This results in an increase in the purchase of goods and services, which will impact the export industries. This will reduce the cost of imports, and benefit Indian consumers who want to get foreign products at lower prices.

Note: However, this may harm domestic industries that cannot compete with cheaper foreign goods. The Indian manufacturing industry will face competition, which will lead to job losses and economic unrest.

Monetary Policy

The common value will force India to adopt a new approach to monetary policy. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will need to readjust its interest rates and inflation targets to suit the new reality.

Maintaining price stability will become more challenging, as India’s import-dependent economy may experience imported inflation, causing commodity and raw material prices to rise.

In this scenario, the power of RBI to control exchange rates will be limited. It may also impact India’s foreign exchange reserves, which are maintained to stabilize the Indian rupee against fluctuations in global currency markets.

Impact on the tourism industry

The 1:1 exchange rate between India and the US could impact the tourism industry. Travel to India will become relatively expensive for foreign tourists, reducing the tourism sector.

Conversely, tourism to the United States may increase as foreign destinations become more affordable for Indian travelers.

Global economic impact

The global economy will not be immune to the consequences of such currency parity. Any change in its economic dynamics could have an impact on the global financial system.

  • Sudden changes in exchange rates can cause instability in the currency market.
  • Most of the country will have to adjust its trade and financial policies to accommodate this new currency balance.
  • Other countries may also consider alternative currency systems to form new global economic alliances to protect their interests.


So overall, if 1 rupee is equal to 1 dollar, the results can be good or bad immediately. While consumers may be happy with cheap imports, domestic industries may face challenges. The Indian government will need to make complex economic decisions and adjust policies and strategies to minimize the adverse impact on global currency markets, trade relations, and foreign investment.


What is the impact of ₹1 = $1 on India’s export competitiveness?

Indian exporters may have to struggle in global markets due to the high prices of their products.

What strategies can RBI use to stabilize currency fluctuations?

The RBI may intervene in the foreign exchange markets or adjust interest rates to stabilize the rupee against the dollar.

Will a strong rupee deter foreign investment in India?

Due to the strong Indian rupee, foreign investors will not invest expecting low returns on investment.

About Sarif

Hi, I am Sharif (B.Com) financial advisor with 8 years of working experience in Axis Bank.

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